January 01, 2024


Peace in 3 Minutes

Hosted by

Marie Chapian
Peace in 3 Minutes
Quiet Prayer Christian Meditation
Peace in 3 Minutes

Jan 01 2024 | 00:03:01


Show Notes

Marie shares a powerful concise meditation under 3 minutes.

Peace is essetial to get through this thing called "Life"

This is one you can listen to over and over


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Episode Transcript

[00:00:07] Hi, Marie here. And I wanted to share with you just for a few moments on the word peace. [00:00:16] Now, that's something that we talk about all the time and that we think about. [00:00:21] And there is an incredible verse in psalms 34, verse 14, that says that we are to pursue peace, that we're supposed to pursue peace. [00:00:38] Now imagine, what does that mean, to pursue it? The amplified version reveals that we are to, let's see, to seek, to inquire for and crave, I peace, pursue it and go after it. So if we're longing for peace, we're being quite scriptural, because the Bible says here that we're to crave it, that we're to crave peace. And don't we? Don't we? Really? Aren't we just so tired of confusion and fear and all of the hassle of life? Aren't we just super tired of it all and ready to just open our hearts and our minds and our souls to the peace of God that passes all figuring out and passes all explaining and understanding? It's ours. It's yours. It's yours. [00:01:44] One of the ways that we can go after it, pursue it, actively take charge of being people of peace is to practice peace. [00:02:00] And a way that I want to share with you is to practice peace with quiet prayer, christian meditation, if you will just go to quietprayer.org and join me, and we can have moments of peace, moments of setting ourselves apart from the world, from ourselves, from everything around us and in us that is disturbing and disturbed. And be still with God as his peace fills us, creates us anew. [00:02:40] That's what's ours. That's what's yours today. So I hope to see you@quietprayer.org. a great big God bless.

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